Top 6 SEO Tips And Tricks For Beginners In 2020
Are you new to this digital world? You just made your website or blog to generate revenue then you must know about some of the tips about the search engine optimization to make your sites ranking higher significantly. Let’s have and look at the importance of SEO and those Top 6 SEO Tips And Tricks For Beginners.

SEO Tips and Tricks
What Is the Role OF SEO?
SEO makes sure that your content ranks higher in Google search result pages. In simple words, you need to make the search engine understand what your site is for when people search on the search engine using keywords it shows them the results if your site is related to some e-commerce then there are like thousands of websites running having the same e-commerce category as you, you need to make the search engine to understand your site better by using different strategies and methods so it can rank your pages higher and show them to the users when they search for some specific keyword.
If the Google search engine can understand your page better it will rank your pages higher for specific keywords. You must have to do optimizations to make its performance better. Most of the people just search like 2 -3 maximum pages of any search engine to search for results but no one wants to go further, maybe 20-30 people from thousands search more than 2-3 of those result pages, that’s where we need to do better SEO so our site gets ranked on those top pages of any search engine. Here we need some competitive strategies by which we can optimize our site to rank better.

SEO Tips and Tricks
The higher the rank in the search engine the higher the revenue you will generate through your website because you will start to develop the audience, which is what you need!!!!
So now let’s get right into those useful tips and strategies that every beginner must know before starting the SEO.
Top 6 Tips for Beginners
There are like many tips and strategies that can be implemented for any website but here we are discussing those 6 SEO Tips and Tricks which are mandatory for any website for ranking.
Write longer posts
The first thing is your content, that is your base of what you are offering to your readers, according to the surveys conducted in past years content is still one of the major factors for search engine ranking. It does not matter that in what shape your content is, it must attract people there are visuals, there is blog post it can be in any shape, it is like the first step of the acquisition funnel.
Now when we are talking about the content, the longer content is considered to be the better as it accommodates more of keywords and more data that users can understand. The content can be of more than 1500 words but it depends on the quality that you are offering through. You need to develop the high standard content that users find worth reading.

SEO Tips and Tricks
In this era, people look for different and unique content so it’s on you how you generate that, based on audience needs. The only way to make the audience interested in reading your content is to make it high quality. It also helps the user to stay longer on your page before heading back to search engine so it’s a direct increase in DWELL time(amount of time for which the user stays on your website). This longer Dwell time is going to help you in good ranking as it makes the search engine to consider that your website is offering some good content by which the people are staying and passing more time on your web pages.
Research and produce quality content
To create the quality content it is an obligatory step to know about the wants and needs of the audience, you must have to follow the trend to generate the relative content. For that, you need to conduct research first about what are the trends and what are people adopting. In easy words, you need to know what people are wanting. Every search engine is going to love the fresh content, the content that is wanted by the audience is the key thing as it will check in Google’s list that you are still active.

SEO Tips and Tricks
It is hard to produce quality content, it is not written anywhere that you always have to use new ideas, you just need to follow the trends and generate the content even you can use your old content and present that in an updated way if it’s still trendy. Like here if we talk about tips and tricks for SEO in 2020 we can generate this post again in 2021 with some updates like top SEO tips and tricks of 2021.
Use keywords and go for backlinks
It is necessary to make a proper definition of your content, about what things your content is related to, that’s where we use keywords for defining our content. That’s why it is very important to choose the correct keywords that can define your content fully because it is very necessary for your webpages to get indexed which is only possible if your keyword is defining your content entirely, you need to give a clear direction to search engines about your content through your keywords so they can understand your site and index it accordingly.

SEO Tips and Tricks
If you are not choosing correct and relevant keywords then this thing is going to confuse search engines which can create difficulties for your website therefore the usage of keywords correctly is essential for any website. If you are worried about keyword suggestions or finding the right keyword then you can use the tools like ubersuggest and keyword finder etc. these tools make your work a lot easier. By using these kinds of tools you can easily choose the correct keywords as these tools allow you to find what the audience is looking out for on the internet.
They also let you check other factors like keyword density, search volume, and competitive scores. You can use LONG TAIL Keywords or LSI keywords in order to make your site ranking better and better. By using these keywords you make any search engine to understand your content better ( “what your content is about”). Apart from using keywords the backlinks is a very important factor in the ranking of any website.

SEO Tips and Tricks
Backlinking is like to mention one site on some other through links, if the backlinks are relevant to your content’s topic and are coming from some high-quality website then it is going to help you in increasing your site rank. The relevancy is important the more relevant the links and content are, the more traffic you are going to capture. Google watches this whole scenario as the users are voting up for you in a better and helpful content sense.
The higher the votes the higher the site’s rank. There are many tools in the market for backlinking like broken link builder and link bird etc. Consequently, for these reasons backlinking is one of the important factors in website ranking.
Optimize your videos and images
Using the correct visuals is an easy way of content optimization. Images and other visuals are a bit difficult for any search engine to understand that’s why we use alt text within HTML code providing the search engine a piece of brief information, what’s your image is about, that’s why you need to put a brief and precise description in their alt text. Images sometimes explain more than the paragraphs.

SEO Tips and Tricks
If sometimes the images don’t get shown on the website the alt text will provide the audience the information about that image. With the usage of rich digital content, your chances for a better rank also increases.
<img src=”photos.png” alt=”Football pictures”>
As you can see in this example here the Html code is including the Alt text that is football pictures. Again we will talk about keyword stuffing, avoid from that and use the best relevant description.
As we all familiar with this term we just need some accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google plus to promote our content across all these platforms, they are like a powerful tool for your website. By using social media marketing you can drive more traffic towards your website which is going to increase your site’s ranking.
As if you use the Facebook open graph tool it is going to make your content more noticeable on Facebook because it lets you control the text and images when someone will share your post. It will help you to spread your content in a more professional way. As we have already discussed the keywords so it is an important thing to add keywords and using the hashtags but only those which are relevant to your content.
Beware of keyword stuffing and use keywords carefully where it looks natural. A well-known tool Hootsuite that is designed for you to manage all the social media platforms in this one thing can be used to make this work easier.
Optimize your site speed
The last important thing in the better ranking of your website is your site’s speed. Search engines do lookout for this thing for better ranking it is considered to be an SEO ranking signal by Google, so now you know how important this factor is for a better site ranking. There are Google’s page speed insights and GT matrix, these things can be used to calculate and optimize your page speed as it does recommend you for better accelerating page speed.

SEO Tips and Tricks
Bonus SEO Tips And Tricks
Make a site map for your website it enables the search engines to find out your webpages and rank them. With this map, you can make sure that the search engine is finding and reaching your all pages.

SEO Tips and Tricks
Robots .txt
This file tells the search engine crawler on which site page to crawl, which page to be included in their index and which should not be. If you don’t want the crawler to crawl on your webpage you can just restrict it by using “disallow”.

SEO Tips and Tricks
You can make your own robot.txt file but there are many tools that can help you to develop one if you are in a hurry.
That’s it from us today we hope that if you are a beginner then it helped you in learning the concept of SEO and about some useful SEO Tips And Tricks. If you want to know about how machine learning is helping in keywords researching then do check our article How To Use AI And Machine Learning For SEO