Search Engine Crawlers And How They Work

By March 6, 2020 March 11th, 2020 No Comments

Search Engine Crawlers And How They Work

Web crawlers create the entries for search engine index after visiting the website and reading their web pages along with all other information. This makes the audience to find webpages more easily. The web crawlers also certify the links and HTML codes sometimes it fetches the information from web pages.

If we look into Google “Google bot” is there, that is the main web crawler they got many other crawlers for videos, images, and ads covering this whole search engine. These crawlers are also known as web bots or web spiders which can be a program or automated script. The web crawlers work in an automated strategically manner to browse the internet.

This whole process is called web crawling. Sometimes web crawlers are used to harvest information like email addresses. Search engines use web crawlers to build an index because in general search engines don’t even know what site is existing on the internet.

They crawl and get the pages indexed correctly before people search for any specific keyword. That was a brief introduction about what is web crawler and what is the purpose of the web crawler now let’s look at how this thing actually works.


How Search Engine Crawlers Works

The crawlers work by visiting sites and by fleeting between the links on pages. Here the links are connecting your pages so mostly bots crawl on links. They act as explorers to explore new pages and index all correctly.

Firstly they find pages and links and then note all them down on their map and then they try to understand all the patterns before starting their fetching process. These crawlers can only work with publicly visible pages and links they don’t work on specific places like the dark web.

Web Crawlers copy the pages and Meta tags, it’s like creating a copy of the web page and store them into index after the whole process for indexing. It crawls in a specific order that it defines before initiating this whole process. In this way every order is pre-defined. The index is created by the results of crawling and data pages it gets.

If we talk about the Google bot or crawler after crawling it stores the pages in the index so after that Google’s algorithm sort those pages for their contained words to fetch later and make a ranking for users which we call Google search engine website ranking.


Now if we talk about a question that “what are the examples for the “Search engine crawlers”?” then there are many famous search engines of which we know all of them to have their own crawling programs. Some larger organizations like Google have multiple crawlers. Google have Googlebot Images, Googlebot Videos, Googlebot News, and AdsBot.

Apart from Google, there are many other crawlers that are :

  • Bingbot
  • Slurp Bot
  • DuckDuckBot
  • Baiduspider
  • Yandex Bot
  • Sogou Spider
  • Exabot
  • Alexa Crawler

Why Web Crawlers Are Important For SEO

Now as we know all about web crawlers we should also have information about “why web crawlers are important for SEO” & “How web crawlers are important for SEO”. Search engine optimization involves page ranking which is an important key factor for improving the page rank. SEO makes your pages to reach easily to your audience, it ranks your site better. Crawling is the first process by which the search engines aim at your web pages. Web crawling gives your webpages a chance to appear in SERPS that are known as search engine result pages.

The one more thing is that you are given a limited time frame by Google and other search engine pages, in short, you get a limited budget which gives the crawler the information about how often to crawl and which pages of the website to scan along with a given amount of server pressure acceptance. You might think it’s a wrong thing but in fact, it’s useful and preventing you from visitors to overload your website.

If they crawl continuously it could overload your website with visitors. There’s a crawl limit rate that you can adjust in order to keep your site running smoothly. This rate limits the fetching on-site so the page load speed doesn’t get suffered from the surge of errors. In Google’s term if you get any issue from Google bot you can alter that in Google search console.

Can we block web crawlers?

You can block the road for web crawlers purposely as if you don’t want some page to get indexed in search engine results.Web crawler block The first thing is no index Meta tag with this way you can stop ranking of a particular page in search engine the other way is to block robots.txt file as it is responsible for all the crawlers to work, bots can opt-out of obeying this file but still, it’s a useful thing to control your crawl budget.


That’s it for today hope you guys now know about all web crawling process now if you wanna learn about Google’s rank brain algorithm do visit our article “Google’s RankBrain Algorithm“.

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